The Woman Went Hunting Bird

The Woman Went Hunting Bird

As for one old woman she went to hunt-birds-using-a-sling-shot to a large tree were the birds are staying. And she saw a tree with many birds. She said, ''I will go get a basket.''

And she went to sleep under the tree and she placed the basket on her head. She said, ''Birds come peck my nose.'' She caught (the birds) and she put (them) in the basket. ''Birds come peck my hand.'' She caught (the birds) also and put (them) in the basket. She said, ''Birds come peck my mouth.'' She caught (the birds) also and put (them) in the basket.'' ''Birds come peck my breast.'' She caught (the birds) also and put (them) in the basket. ''Birds come peck my stomach.'' She caught (the birds) also and put (them) in the basket.

She said also, ''Birds come peck my feet.'' She caught (the birds) also and put (them) in the basket. When the basket was full she went home.

Another old woman said, ''Where did you get your birds?''

''I got them from a very large tree.''

How did you get them?

''Just sleep under the tree and put the basket on your head.''

So the old woman went and she said, ''Birds come peck my knee.''

When they came to her knee she said, ''How come (they) don’t go to my basket?'' She repeatedly said, ''Birds come peck my knee.''

She said, ''Why don’t you come to my basket?'' ''Birds come peck my knee.'' She said, ''I will just go home.''

The other old woman said, ''How come you did not get anything?'' ''But I said, `Birds come peck my knee.’ Just see how badly wounded my knees are.''

''Oh if they went to your knees you should have caught them and put them in your basket.''

A man, who was the husband of that woman who had a badly wounded knee said, ''I will go and catch-(the birds)-with-an-air-gun.'' When he shot (the birds) they were not hit so he went home. The man said, ''I will go again.'' He got a cooking pot and bolo. And when he was about to cover the bird in the cooking pot (the birds) went away. He threw the cooking pot (away). And then he went and cut down the tree. And when he went home his wife said, ''Where is the cooking pot?''

''I threw (it) away because it did not catch any (bird).''

The old woman who caught the birds went and she got a very small cooking pot and she put it under the tree which was cut down. Many birds went to the cooking pot. The very small cooking pot was not full. She covered it and she went home.

The old woman that had no birds said, ''Where did you get those birds?''

''I got from the tree which your husband cut down.''



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