Story About Duhat
As for that one old woman she said, ''I am going to get duhat so that my child will have food to eat.
When she was about to get duhat at the forest, she found a tree full of duhat. She said, ''Duhat, are you ripe?''
Duhat said, '' The fruits at my lower branches are ripe and the fruits at my upper branches are not yet ripe.''
She went on walking and she reached a tree full of duhat. She said, ''Duhat, are you ripe? ''
Duhat said, ''The fruits at the tip of my branches are ripe and the fruits at my bottom branches are not yet ripe.'' Then we went towards one of the duhats that has many fruits. She said, ''Duhat, are you ripe?''
''I am ripe'', said Duhat.
She climbed and she ate until she was full. When she was full she then put many into the basket. When the basket was full she went home. And she divided it among her children.
Their neighbor said when she saw (them), ''Where did you get the duhat so that I will go (get some) too.''
She said to their neighbor, ''I got (them) from the forest.''
Their neighbor went and she brought a small basket. When she was walking she found (some) mushroom. She put it in her small basket and then she continued going to the forest. When she found a tree of duhat she said, ''Duhat, are you ripe?''
Duhat said, ''The fruits at the bottom of my branches are ripe and the fruits at the tip of my branches are not yet ripe.''
She went again and she found again a tree of duhat which had fruits that were ripe and she said, ''Duhat, are you ripe?''
''I am ripe'', said duhat.
She got her small basket and she climbed then she ate many. And she slept on the tree until the giants arrived.
The four giants said, ''What is that very good smell? Like a smell of a person.'' When they looked up they saw an old woman sleeping under the branch of a tree. The giant said, ''There is a person.'' And they got (her) and put (her) inside a woven-arrow-grass-mat. They rolled her into the woven-arrow-grass-mat and they carried her. They said, ''Carry, Carry we will bring her to Akuhoy.''
When the old woman woke up she said, ''Where are they bringing me?'' As for her since she was hungry she thought of the mushroom inside her small basket. And she got it and then she ate (them).
And when the giants heard the chewing-sound of her eating, they said, ''What are you chewing?''
The old woman said, ''Oh charcoal.''
And the giants touched their ears at the same time because they were afraid. They said, ''We will run because we are the ones whom she is eating.'' And the woven-arrow-grass-mat rolled away so the old woman went home.
When she arrived at their home her neighbour said, ''Where are the duhat you got?''
She said, ''The giants carried me because I slept on a tree.'' Then they released me when I ate the mushroom. They were afraid when they said, ''What are you chewing? I said, 'Oh charcoal' And then I went home.''